Before and After Website Examples

Building your website is about as fun as going to get a root canal. The blood, sweat, and tears that went into your first, or second, or third website, just don't seem worth it to make your page look better. We will show you 4 before and after website examples so you can learn the same lessons we teach our clients everyday, except this is free. YES!

But before you dismiss the idea altogether, we want to show you some SUPER common mistakes that people make with their website and tell you what we did to fix it.

So, instead if getting the full mommy makeover $15K plastic surgery, how about we just start with a spa day. We will break down each site, what was wrong, and easy ways that you can fix these issues yourself.

Before and After Website Examples

Talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk


Before and After Website Examples

What was wrong with this page?
  • You're giving me too many options and I don't know what to do. Give people one call to action (choice to make).
  • Website, graphic design, SEO may all help me and my business but it may also be too much jargon. Do not use industry terms, buzzwords and jargon.
  • Too much text on the the page, no images.


Before and After Website Examples

What was changed?
  • Made the layout and copy clear and clean
  • Added a better quality image (opposed to free stock images). This could still be improved with people or branding on the image
  • Removed the jargon and focused on the benefit of what's in it for me
  • Give people one call to action, when you click more info, you still are directed for a free consultation but I (as the visitor) don't have to think about it. It just happens.

Before and After Website Examples

Too Many Options


Before and After Website Examples

What was wrong with this page?
  • I don't know what Physical Mental Emotional Enlightenment means to me?
  • Too many menus in the navigation bar
  • Clients copy was clear and resonated with her audience and her website visitors, it just needed to appear cleaner.


Before and After Website Examples

What was changed?
  • Updated the navigation menu, reduced the options
  • Made Elicia front and center. She is the brand.
  • Her tagline now connects her with her ideal client immediately and repels people that are not the right fit for her.

Before and After Website Examples

Too Much to Read, To Do & To See


Before and After Website Examples

What was wrong with this page?
  • The average person's attention span is 3 -5 seconds. How much do you think I am going to read before I leave?
  • The feel of the page is too wordy. If you can say what you do in 4-6 words max, that is awesome!
  • The sidebar is the kiss of death (the far right, or sometimes left, portion of a webpage, most typically seen on blogs.


Before and After Website Examples

What was changed?
  • Decided on one offer on the page. Take your prospects on a guided journey. Maybe the first step to is to read your eBook, your checklist, free video, webinar, etc.
  • Reduced the amount of text
  • Reduced the distractions

Before and After Website Examples

The Negative Nelly


Before and After Website Examples

What was wrong with this page?
  • People aren't excited to read about memories, then death
  • This page wasn't meeting people where they are (in their minds or their buying/searching journey). Not ready to buy. It's like ordering dessert before your meal (I would do that).
  • Missing imagery - people connect with people
  • I don't know what "it" is that you are selling or offering me?  What's in it for me?


Before and After Website Examples

What was changed?
  • Added people to the page.
  • If you are older and you are frustrated with technology, you want to learn or feel like you can learn.
  • You know what they do, who they serve and how they can help pretty quickly.
  • Sometimes negative (fear, evokes bad feelings or emotions) copy is good, but it wasn't here.
I want to build a new website... said no one EVER!

We help organizations take the pain, stress, and frustration out of the technical headaches that come along with any technical project. We build websites and we love it!  We help businesses get found on Google and we're really good at it.  We help solve business problems with technology, process improvement, and automation so you can scale.

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