A lot of business owners struggle to market a business online because they don't know how to do it effectively. To solve this problem, Marley Nonami Incorporated, a digital marketing and advertising firm that specializes in helping small businesses grow and scale their business, released a new online assessment called "What's Your #1 Marketing Growth Blind Spot" to help business owners learn about their blind spots.

Why Do Businesses Fail In Marketing?

Many business owners get overwhelmed when marketing their business online because it's hard to create marketing strategies that work for their business. They don't know how to effectively track marketing efforts or what marketing tools are most effective, or where they should focus their marketing efforts.

In marketing, it's common that you have to try different marketing strategies before finding the one that works well for your business. However, this time-consuming process can make a lot of small business owners give up on marketing altogether.

Quitting Too Soon

Many business owners get overwhelmed when marketing their business online because it's hard to create marketing strategies that work for their business. They don't know how to effectively track marketing efforts or what marketing tools are most effective, or where they should focus their marketing efforts.

In marketing, it's common that you have to try different marketing strategies before finding the one that works well for your business. However, this time-consuming process can make a lot of small business owners give up on marketing altogether.

Not Creating A Good Marketing Foundation.

A marketing foundation will help you create marketing strategies that work for your business. For example, a marketing foundation could be having a clear marketing strategy, understanding your customer personas and their pain points, knowing where to position your company in the market, etc. They run a few ads and then move to a different strategy. However, marketing is a marathon, not a sprint. It's better to create a long term strategy around your message, how you want your company to be remembered, and work around those efforts.

Market a business online

What should businesses do to effectively market a business online?

Businesses need to invest their time and money into finding marketing strategies that work for their business. A marketing foundation takes time to build since it's the structure of marketing strategies. Like building a house, marketing is not something you can just do in one week; marketing strategies take months or even years to create by learning from your results and adapting your marketing plans.

Using the wrong marketing channels

There are marketing channels that can be very effective for marketing and growing your business, but these marketing channels may not work well for your target audience. For example, marketing on Pinterest may work well for fashion brands or food brands. However, if you're a hardware store trying to market on Pinterest, marketing efforts will most likely be wasted because the marketing channel does not fit your target audience. Therefore, it's important to pay special attention and conduct thorough research to find the ideal social media channel to market a business online.

Not making a budget for marketing a business online

Some business owners have one or two businesses running at a time. Not marketing because of budget restraints is another marketing mistake small business owners make while marketing a business online. Marketing isn't free, it takes money. However, marketing doesn't have to break the bank either. When marketing is effective, marketing will bring in more revenue than what was spent on marketing efforts.

Not Tracking Marketing Efforts

Every marketing strategy should have a goal attached to it so that you can track your marketing efforts and know which marketing strategies are effective. It's important to track marketing efforts so you can see which marketing strategies are not working and adapt your marketing plan in the future.

Keep track of ROI while marketing online

Copying Other People Strategies

A lot of business owners after hearing success stories from other people try to copy the strategies. But they don't work for them. There are different stratagies to market a business online it's not necessary if one strategy is working for a business it will work well work for the other busines as well.
Your competitor strategies can be either too expensive, time-consuming, or difficult to implement for you. The marketing strategies that only work for you should be marketing strategies that fit your marketing budget, marketing timeline, and marketing skills. These marketing strategies should also produce results such as driving traffic to your website or increasing sales. 

Who should take this marketing assessment?

The marketing assessment is meant for any business owner who wants to grow and scale their business but doesn't know how marketing can help them do it, the business owners whose marketing efforts are not providing desired results, and new business owners who don't know how to market a business online.

The tool is called "What's Your #1 Marketing Growth Blind Spot" and it will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses when it comes to your business' marketing strategies. Business owners can answer questions about their business challenges and goals. After answering all questions, a video assessment and report are generated with recommendations on how the user can improve their overall strategy. 

This assessment is free and takes less than 2 minutes.