These are our “Terms and Conditions.” Unlike a traditional T&C document, we want to be human about things. The following 8 Agreements point to the fact that in business (and life), all we can do is manage our agreements. These agreements, including payment of your Program Fees, do not depend on how often you use our services.
1. It’s expensive to change the goal posts.
We operate from the perspective that once an agreement has been made, if someone wants to change the agreement for some reason, then it is they who accept any additional costs or inconvenience incurred as a result. For example, if we want to move the delivery of all our programs to Africa, it’s on us to incur any costs and inconvenience involved considering your understanding was that this is an North American program. This is of course a two-way street.
As you’ve seen in our Brochures, Offer Forms, and Schedules we’re agreeing to make available the following: a schedule of live workshops with qualified mentors and trainers, leads, sales strategies, and a comprehensive list of services. Our intention, as always, is to maintain the highest standards at all times that enable us to deliver what our Clients refer to as one of the world’s top business agencies they have ever had the pleasure of working with.
3. Our strategies don’t work!
What the...?
Unfortunately, despite our best efforts, the strategies don’t ‘work’. Nor does any other Marketing, Sales, or other Growth Strategies Much like a screwdriver, it only works if you work it. The track records of our Clients’ speak to the effectiveness of our High Performance Team that supports you and your business. Globally, our most successful Clients all share common characteristics of being ambitious, resourceful and resilience.
If you’re not all of those things, and not willing to be held accountable to continuing to exemplify those things, then your results won’t be comparable to the plethora of success stories we showcase.
If you’re committed to putting in the hard work then you’ve come to the right place. Our Clients are among the most recognized and respected in their fields. They did the work. They got resourceful. They trusted the process and they got the results. Now you have the opportunity to do the same.
4. What’s ours is ours, and what’s yours is yours.
Our IP is ours, your IP is yours. Assume everything is filmed and recorded for the purposes of documenting workshops for your review and reference for later as well as for our development, training, and marketing purposes.
There is no room for rude, insulting or general destructive behavior and anyone being anything other than a cool human will be asked to leave the program. This goes for Clients (you) as well as our Strategists, Mentors, and Team Members.
If you find we are meeting this standard to your expectations, we ask that you bring it to our attention immediately. We only know we need to improve if we are given feedback from you about how can serve you better and be wonderful humans, too.